Book & Build: 100 Great Books to Use with Makerspace Activities Grades K-6
Price: $39.95
(plus tax)
With a strong connection to STEM, the makerspace movement has gained momentum in schools in recent years. As librarians and teachers, the desire to connect the curriculum and appreciation of great literature to making is highly desired.
In this book, 100 great books for children are featured along with a maker activity, a connection to an AASL standard, and ideas for further study. The book also provides an overview of makerspaces including what they are, how and why to use them in education.

The Makerspace Manual
Price: $42.95+ tax
paid to: Bureau of Educational Services & Technology (BEST)
Whether you have an existing makerspace or you are new to the concept, you are sure to find a wealth of ideas in this powerful handbook. This book will teach how to develop an inviting, thriving environment where students can create and learn from each other.
Dr. Tricia Kuon will provide numerous cost-efficient ideas to help you maximize your time and resources in your classroom or library. Communicating with your stakeholders, locating inexpensive resources, and maximizing your space are just a few of the topics that will be discussed.

Price: $39.95 plus tax
Paid to Bureau of Educational Services & Technology
Innovative Strategies for Increasing the Impact of Your SCHOOL LIBRARY
In this NEW, highly practical handbook, award-winning and published teacher librarian, Tricia Kuon, will share how to revitalize your library space and program, creating an inviting, dynamic atmosphere and environment where students, teachers and administrators will want to return again and again. Tricia will provide numerous cost-effective ideas to help you maximize your time and resources while transforming your library space.
You’ll learn how to better collaborate and communicate while marketing your library in such a way to create advocates and make your library the hub of the school. You will gain proven and fresh ways to create a welcoming, user-centered space that encourages the use of cutting-edge technologies and practices designed to expand students’ knowledge base and allow them to create new knowledge to share with the school and community.

Best Strategies to Increase the Effectiveness of Your School Library Program
The information gathered here will save huge amounts of research and time and help you to strengthen, promote and energize your school library program. This book covers library essentials such as storytelling, read-alouds, lesson planning, author visits, library clubs, reading programs, makerspaces, and technology tools. Additional topics included: online tools, best books, collaboration, research skills, and the library’s role and impact on student achievement, as well as the future of libraries.

published articles
ICEBERG: The Cold, Hard Facts about
School Librarians' Duties
Library Media Connection
What You Don't Know May Hurt You: The Untapped Resource that Will Increase Achievement Levels
Phi Delta Kappan
Top 10 Best Practices for Online Teaching
Performance Assessment for Leadership Research Online Journal
How Does Your Boss See You?:
Proof that Principals Value Librarians
School Library Journal

The Jetsons Have Arrived
What's Now, What's Next, What's Yet to Come
Wake up Sleeping Beauty: Strong Heroines for Today's Youngest Women
Advancing Women in Leadership

Home Alone, Still Collaborating!
Knowledge Quest Journal
The Little Red Hen goes to Japan: Using Fractured Fairy Tales as Models for Writing
Book Links Magazine